Hidden Lives Revealed. A virtual archive - children in care 1881-1981 * Image of handwritten text

Case 3271

54. Application for a search of births 30 July 1913

View the Case Summary.

Statutory Fees
A Particular Search in the Indexes of Registers or in a Volume of Non-Parochial Registers 1 0
Certificate of a Birth 2 6
Inland Revenue Stamp (54 & 55 Vict., e 39 & 64) 0 1
3 7

Extracts From Regulations Relating To Searches And Certificates

(9) Certificates will be prepared in due course according to priority of application (except that applicants who wait for them will have precedence over those who call again), and they will generally be ready for delivery within one hour; but when not applied for until after Three o'clock in the afternoon, or, when many Certificates are required by any one Applicant, the Certificate or Certificates may not be ready until the following day.

(10) Should it be inconvenient for the Applicant either to wait or to call again, the Certificate will be sent post free, if the Applicant will address an Official envelope, which he may obtain from one of the Clerks at the Desk. Applicants must, however, understand that precedence will be given to those who wait or call again for Certificates, over those who have them sent by post, and also that the latter must take the risk that the Certificates bespoken may not prove to be Copies of the Entries desired.

(11) If the Applicant having found the desired reference in the Index does not desire to pay for a Certificate at the time of the Search, but may require one later, he should, before leaving the Search Room, hand the Application Form to the Clerk in Charge for signature. If this signed Form be produced at any future time, a Certificate will be granted on payment of the Statutory Fee of Two Shillings and Seven Pence, no further Search Fee being charged.

For Complete Regulations, See Notice Suspended in the Hall
Bernard Mallet

Original document

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Image of Case 3271 54. Application for a search of births  30 July 1913
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