Hidden Lives Revealed. A virtual archive - children in care 1881-1981 * Image of handwritten text

Case 9635

8. Copy letter to the Dowager Lady Bromley about her maintenance contributions 3 July 1903

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3rd. July, 1903.

Dear Madam,


As your Ladyship has hitherto so very kindly contributed towards the maintenance of the above boy, I beg to inform you that a free vacancy has recently been secured for him in the Society's Home at Caversham, near Reading, where he will have the opportunity of learning gardening.

Under these circumstances, may I venture to ask you to be so good as to continue your generous help, to be applied to the support of some other child under the Society's care?

I take the liberty of enclosing particulars of cases of one or two children for whom help is required, and shall be very grateful indeed if your Ladyship can see you way to comply with my request, more especially as the Society's funds are greatly in need.

With renewed thanks for all your past kind help, and

Overwritten in pencil: Copy

Original document

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Image of Case 9635 8. Copy letter to the Dowager Lady Bromley about her maintenance contributions  3 July 1903
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