Hidden Lives Revealed. A virtual archive - children in care 1881-1981 * Image of handwritten text

Case 517

4. Prospectus from St Oswald's College, Ellesmere August 1886

View the Case Summary.

if their parents desire it, under a Master's care. Boys are not allowed to remain at School during the other vacations except in cases of real necessity and by special permission of the Head Master. The holidays charge is then £1 weekly.

12. Punctuality in returning to School is strictly required. A boy is liable to a fine of one shilling for each day's absence unless a medical certificate has been previously forwarded. These fines go to the Boys' Library. In cases of prolonged absence from illness, a payment of a half-a-guinea for each half term is required in order that a boy's bed may be reserved for him.

13. A term's notice to the Head Master in writing, or the payment of a half-term's School dues, is strictly required before the removal of a boy.

14. (i.) Every boy should bring a Bible and Prayer Book for School use, and a slate; also a play-box, not exceeding 20 inches in length, 12 in width, and 9 in height, with lock. Clothes boxes must be of moderate size, with the boy's name on a stout label attached to the key.
(ii.) All necessary articles of clothing must be supplied from home. No boy should have less than the following:

4 Day shirts. 6 Collars, if worn detached.
3 Night shirts. 1 Pair of black slippers.
6 Pairs of socks. Brush and Comb in bag.
2 Pairs of strong boots (3 recommended). Tooth brush and Clothes brush.
6 Pocket handkerchiefs. 2 Suits of clothes (3 recommended).

(iii.) Every article must be in thorough repair, marked with initials and surname in full.
(iv.) Dark trousers and waistcoats must be sent, and it is strongly recommended that every boy should wear flannel shirts.
(v.) A night shirt will be left at School in the holidays unless a notice of removal has been given.
(vi.) Every boy is required to wear a distinctive cap, which is supplied, after his arrival, by the School tailor.
(vii.) The wardrobe woman cannot be responsible for pocket handkerchiefs, neckties, gloves, towels for bathing, or for such articles as a boy has in his own keeping.
(viii.) There is a Post Office, Money Order Office, and Telegraph Office in the town of Ellesmere.
(ix.) Parents of boys, and others writing to the Head Master, or to the Secretary, are requested to put their full address on every letter they send.
(x.) A certificate of health, on a form which will be supplied by the School, must be sent with each boy on his first admission, and on every subsequent return to School.
(xi.) If parents live abroad, the name of some person in England must be given who will stand in the parent's place to the boy, and be responsible for the payments.

15. In the Servitor's School a certain number of boys above the eleven years of age are received, who assist in the household work, and are instructed in school daily. The Terms are £5 a year, or £1 13s. 4d. a term, for the School Dues. The Servitors are also charged half the cost of any things they may break through carelessness. The College provides each Servitor with a tunic and cap, and an apron for his work.

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Image of Case 517 4. Prospectus from St Oswald's College, Ellesmere  August 1886
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