Hidden Lives Revealed. A virtual archive - children in care 1881-1981 * Image of handwritten text

Case 517

4. Prospectus from St Oswald's College, Ellesmere August 1886

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When a boy leaves school, any part of this Caution money which is not owing for his last term's books, tradesmen's bills, etc., will be returned.

7. The expenses of Board, Education, and Washing are fixed at eighteen guineas a year. The Head Master receives boys more particularly under his own care, at a charge of three guineas a year extra. There are some small additional charges amounting to one guinea terminally, the account of which will be found below, and beyond these there are no other necessary charges except for books and tradesmen's bills.
It must be obvious to all who read this prospectus that the charge of eighteen guineas a year can provide only plain substantial food. A diet table can be had if desired. As this School is instituted specially to aid the efforts of persons of small means in the education of their sons, parents whose incomes will admit of it should apply to the Rev. the Head Master of S. Chad's College, Denstone, Uttoxeter, where the School Dues for Boarders are thirty-four guineas a year.
Day Scholars are received at £1 a term, and Day Boarders at £2 13s. 4d. a term. Ordinary Fixed Extras 13s. a term. Entrance Fee 10s. and Caution Money, £1.

8. All School accounts are sent in terminally, and include (a) School Dues, ordinary extras, Head Master's Dormitory Fee (if desired), and optional extras, in advance; (b) charges for books, and tradesmen's bills already incurred.

9. The following charges are paid terminally in advance:

(i.) School Dues £6 6 0
(ii.) Ordinary Fixed Extras-
Stationery £0 4 4
College Dues 0 3 4
Boys' Benefit Fund 0 0 4
Ordinary Medical Attendance 0 2 6
Linear Drawing and Drilling 0 2 6
Porterage 0 1 0
Seamstress 0 1 6
Hair-cutting 0 1 0
Subscription to games 0 2 6
Weekly Allowance of at least two-pence 0 2 0
1 1 0
£7 7 0
(iii.) Head Master's Dormitory Fee for boys placed under the Head Master's special charge, extra, per term 1 1 0
(iv.) Optional extra subjects-
Pianoforte, terminally 1 6 8
French 0 13 4
German 0 13 4
Experimental Chemistry 0 6 8
Advanced Drawing 0 13 4

10. All School bills must be paid terminally in advance to the S. Oswald's Scholars' account at Messrs. Eyton, Burton, Lloyd & Co., Salop Old Bank, Ellesmere, or to the Secretary, S. Oswald's College, Ellesmere, one week before the following days: January 21st, May 7th, September 17th.

11. The School year of about forty weeks is divided into three terms, beginning respectively about January 22nd, May 7th, and September 17th. There are about five weeks vacation at Christmas; six from the beginning of August; and a fortnight from about April 25th at the end of the spring term, when boys may remain at the College

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Image of Case 517 4. Prospectus from St Oswald's College, Ellesmere  August 1886
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