Hidden Lives Revealed. A virtual archive - children in care 1881-1981 * Image of handwritten text

Dining Room

Boys eating in a dining hall
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The children ate in commual dining rooms. Usually they ate three meals a day in the dining room. They came home from school to eat a mid-day dinner.

If you look in the Related documents list you can see several photographs of dinning rooms. There is also an 1888 dietary plan from Sunnyside Home for Boys, Frome, Somerset. This was signed and approved by a medical officer.

Ground floor plan

Ground floor plan of virtual children's homeYardCoal room (no information available)Play roomReceptionGo upstairs to first floorDining roomKitchenLaundry roomDrying room (no information available)

Related documents

The Children's Society UNESCO logo Big
           Lottery Fund logo Wellcome Trust