Hidden Lives Revealed. A virtual archive - children in care 1881-1981 * Image of handwritten text

Case 5977

9. Copy letter from Revd Edward Rudolf to Admiral Castle 14 September 1903

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14th. September 1903.

Dear Admiral Castle,
re J

With reference to your letter of the 8th. inst., enclosed I now beg to send you copy of the report of our worker who has recently visited the mother of the boy in question. I think, under the circumstances, you will agree with me, that there is no alternative but to comply with the mother's request, and perhaps, therefore, you will kindly arrange for the lad's return at your convenience? I return you the letter which you sent me from Mrs , herewith.

Yours very truly,
E de M Rudolf

Overwritten in pencil: Copy

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Image of Case 5977 9. Copy letter from Revd Edward Rudolf to Admiral Castle 14 September 1903
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